Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Big One

I can't even believe that it's been a whole year with our little one in our lives.  Everything has changed so drastically since I was pregnant.  The hubs has a new job with much better hours that allow him to be home with us, I quit my job to focus on raising a family, we sold our townhouse and are living with family until our new house is complete (27 days!!!).  Everything is all very exciting, I just can't believe how much has changed.

And to my little one...  I know everyone feels the same way but I really am just astounded by how much you've developed in one short year.  You've grown from my whiny little baby boy to my hilarious little toddler.  You have the best facial expressions and I just can't get over how smart you seem and how easily you pick things up and remember them!  You sort of missed the rolling stage of life, but you started crawling at 7 months and walking at 10.5 months.  I enjoy chasing you around the house, but also miss the days where I could sit you on the floor with a basket of toys and know you wouldn't go anywhere. I love stripping you down to your diaper at the end of the day and watch you run around with a look of pure joy on your face.  If only you could spend your whole day in just a diaper!  You're obsessed with animals right now, particularly cats and dogs, even though we just found out you're allergic to cats.  I miss cuddling with you, but very much enjoy our pre-sleep ritual of reading and singing together.  You started cuddling again with me a little bit during this time, but now you'd rather point out my nose or touch my hair.  I can't wait to see what the next year of your life brings and how much you develop. I love you more than words can express!

One of my favorite videos!