Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!  I guess it's been a while since I posted anything.  Probably because I'm busy chasing our little one all around the house! He's practically running, now, especially when he gets out of the bathtub.  I just get such a kick of him running around the house naked, and he seems to enjoy it so much!  He's only peed on a few rugs (sorry mom!)  Our house is coming along great and we should be moved in the first week of December!  Our little one dressed up for his music class today.  Since he looks so much like him, I couldn't help dressing him up as Charlie Brown!  Here are a few pics of what's been going on lately.
Family pic at the pumpkin farm

Think I can carry this one, mom?

Running around with my purse.  Daddy wasn't too happy about this pic.  shh!  Don't tell!

Mr. Brown!

Playing outside in his costume

Music Class

Playing instruments with Miss Lauren

Happy Baby!

Reading in his onesie and socks.


  1. Props on the Halloween costume! That has to be one of the cutest!! But I especially love the onesie and socks picture, it cracks me up to see his socks pulled up to his knees, like a little old man. LOL!

  2. Sooo cute! The forehead wrinkles (or butt) are my favorite!

  3. I love him! Happy Birthday Seth!!!
