If Seth could talk (legibly), this is what he would have to say about life...
- Nuh Nuh (Snacks) are the best things in the world and I would probably sell my firstborn child for a Fig Bar.
- Only Mama can read me books. Seriously, Dada, don't even try. ever.
- Please show me pictures of keeessshhh (kitties). all kitties. in all books. all. day. long. I LOVE KITTIES!
- No I will not eat that food you put on my tray. Wait, I can use a fork? I can probably eat the food if it's on a fork. Oh look, it flies through the air when you wave the fork back and forth.
- Not the changing pad! Please don't lay me down! NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Ha! I can roll! I'll roll on my stomach to make my escape! Uh oh, I'm on my back again. NNNNNOOOOOO! Oh, you'll let me play with a thermometer? Look, it beeps when you push this button! How fun! Oh, we're done?
- One drink? Seriously, mom. I would like to have milk and water available to me at all times and yes, I will carry them both around with me and alternately drink both. Although, it's hard to carry my book with kitty pictures around when I have two sippy cups. Can you please call the 90s and get me a fanny pack?
- Was that a noise? Dada? Was that the ice dropping in the fridge or was that Dada? Is that a truck outside? Dada? Oh, a wall. *knock knock* Dada? Dada? Dada? Where does he HIDE all day?
- I keep signing please but she's not getting me what I want. I'll try again *please* *please* *please* What do you mean "please what?" *PLEASE* *PLEASE *PLEASE*
- What is this word "No" that you keep trying to tell me? You say it an awful lot.
- Can you please show me some more kitties???
- Real men wear crowns, not headbands...
Me and my BFF! |