From the minute he wakes up until the minute he falls asleep, this kid talks. I don't really understand all of it, but I understand quite a bit of it and he's really just a huge imitator. I'm shocked at how much of a vocabulary he has already, and secretly long for some silence every once in a while!
Since I'm terrible at keeping up with the baby book, here are the words that he knows at 16 months:
mamee, dada, bye bye, shoes, socks, coat, hat, kitty, duck, snake, monkey, moose, animal sounds (moo, baa, meow, ribbit, hop, quack, panting like a dog, neigh, oo oo like a monkey, elephant sound), cookie, snack, banana (nanner), muffin (mama), Boo, Gigi, Grandma, Pap Pap, CD, tractor, snow, spoon, bowl, bib, Emma, baby. He knows that a car says beep, a truck says honk, a tractor says chug chug, a train says choo choo, and a fire truck says nee naw.
It's also been funny to see him trying to associate things. Steve was out of town a few weeks ago, so anytime we were out, Seth would point to any man we passed and say dada. He also often thinks he sees Gigi, and I think he's convinced that gigi is the guy from the Baby Einstein logo (see below).
He's also been working on his dance moves and tries to sing along to row, row, row, your boat. I didn't realize that I was humming the tune the other day while he was in the other room, and all of a sudden I hear him going "merrily, merrily, merrily" (well, his version of that, anyway). He also likes to do the wah wah of the babies on the bus, not the words, but the motion for it. He loves to give high fives, and is unfortunately starting to hit when he gets mad. I can't wait to see his language develop over the next few months!
Mr Einstein does look like Gigi in the morning!